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來源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時間:2019-07-26 瀏覽:0



1. She could have done just as well as you, ____ the chance.

A. given B. to give C. giving D. give

【答案】A 句子的主語和后面分詞的邏輯關系時被動關系,是主語she“被給”機會,故選A。這是一種沒有if的含蓄條件句,但分詞短語有“如果”含義。

2. Helen had to shout ________ above the sound of the music.

A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard


3.___ under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape.

A. Seeing B. Seen C. To see D. To be seen


4.____ by the look on her face, she didn’t catch what I meant.

A. Judging B. Judged C. Judge D. To judge

【答案】B 本題考查固定用法:judging by根據(jù)……判斷。

5. “Good-bye, Miss Liu. I’m very pleased ___.”

A. to meet you B. to have met you C. meeting you D. having met you

【答案】B 在告別時,應該說“I’m pleased meeting you.或I’m pleased to have met you.很高興(已經(jīng))見到你。其中I’m pleased to have met you.更常見,兩種形式同為備選項時,優(yōu)先選擇完成形式。在見面時則應該說I’m please to meet you.很高興(要)見到你。另外固定搭配be pleased with sth:“對……感到滿意”。

6. Let’s buy our tickets while I still have ___.

A. a little money to leave B. little money left

C. a few dollars left D. few dollars to leave

【答案】C。B項和D項中的little和few均為否定含義,與句意不符,排除。C項為have sth. left用法,意思是:“還剩下……”。這里have a few dollars left的意思是“還剩下幾個美元”,left的過去分詞是leave,它的賓語是前面的a few dollars。句意為:我們買票吧,盡管我們這只剩幾美元了。while:盡管。

7. We shall ask for samples ___ and then we can make our decision.

A. to be sent B. being sent C. to sent D. to have been sent


8. Some cities have passed laws that allow coal and oil ____ only if their sulfur content is low.

A. burning B. to burn C. being burned D. to be burned

【答案】D。本題考查的是allow sth. to be done,主動形式是allow sb to do sth.此處是允許人們在硫含量低的情況下燃燒煤和石油,所以它們是被燃燒,用被動。

9. Mother warned the electric lamp.

A. not to touch B. him not to touch C. him not touching D. him not touch

【答案】B不定式的否定式。warn sb.. not to do sth..屬于固定搭配。意為“警告某人不要做某事”。

10. Don't leave the water ________ while you brush your teeth.

A. run B. running C. being run D. to run


11. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _____whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

【答案】B。本題考查固定用法。It remains to be seen尚待分曉。對于這對老夫婦來說去國外旅游是好事情,但是還得看到底他們喜不喜歡。首先it(老夫婦去旅游這件事)還有待于觀察,表將來用不定式。這件事情是被觀察,因此選被動。綜上選B。

12. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _______ it more difficult.

A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make


13. One can go a long way after one is _________.

A. tire B. tiring C. tired D. to be tired


14. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ as the plane was making a landing.

A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating

【答案】C 飛行員要求飛機起飛時,所有的乘客在座位上坐好。

15. He is _______ about why other lions are running away, until an old lion tells him that hunters are coming.

A. confused B. confusing C. being confused D. to be confused

【答案】A。他感到困惑confused 固定用法。

16. It is hot and dry; the flowers need ______.

A. being watered B. be watered C. to water D. to be watered

【答案】D 這里是固定用法,need to be done前面的被修飾詞與be done的動詞是被動關系。need to be done=need doing。

17. What __ next will be discussed at today's meeting.

A. will do B. to do C. shall we do D. to be done

【答案】B 本題考察動詞不定式做主語,What to do 是固定用法,此處不定式to do 表示將來要做的事情;如果選A項則沒有主語;選擇D項則沒有謂語;如果選C,應改為 What we shall do ,因為在what, which, where 這種特殊疑問句引導下的問句中做主語時,句子要用陳述句語序。

18. My room is a mess. It needs ___.

A. to be tidying up B. tidying up C. to tidy up D. tidied up

【答案】B。句型:主語(物)+need(want,request)+doing(to be done),后面用動名詞的主動形式來表示被動含義或不定式的被動形式來表示。The house needs cleaning.(to be cleaned):這房子需要打掃了。The radio needs repairing(to be repaired).這臺收音機需要修理了。

19. Good medicine _____ bitter to the mouth.

A. tastes B. tasting C. to taste D. is tasted


20. There are many good films played by Cheng Long that are worth________.

A. to be seen B. being seen C. seeing D. to see

【答案】C。這有很多成龍演的好電影。Be worth doing值得做某事。

21. Once _____ of the necessity of a move, he worked hard to find a new home.

A. convinced B. be convinced C. convincing D. having convinced

【答案】A be convinced of相信,確信;“Once......”引導分詞短語作狀語,省略了be動詞。

22. I walked out of the cinema, ___to return to see the wonderful film the next Sunday.

A. determine B. being determined C. determined D. to be determined

【答案】C此題考查的是非謂語動詞中過去分詞的用法。此處“determined ”為“堅定的”,屬于形容詞詞性,可直接做伴隨狀語,不加being 或to be.

23. _______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lost

【答案】C。be lost in thought陷入沉思。他滿腦子想著事情,差點撞到前面的車子。

24. Ideally________ for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New Your Park hotel is a favorite with many guests.

A. locating B. being located C. having been located D. located

【答案】D。位于 locate的固定用法。

25. _________in the rain, he caught a bad cold.

A. Having caught B. Caught C. To catch D. Catching

【答案】B 被大雨淋濕了之后,他感冒很嚴重。Be caught in the rain遇上大雨。

76. Ann was angry at __________ at her.

A. his laughing B. him laugh C. him laughed D. him being laughed


27. Her parents objected to _______ that farmer, though he has a lot of money.

A. her marrying B. marrying C. marry D. her marring with


28. ________being ill made us worried.

A. He's B. He C. His D. Him


29. Would you mind _____ the computer game in your room?

A. him playing B. his playing C. him to play D. him play

【答案】B 本題考查動名詞的邏輯主語。mind的后面要接動名詞做賓語,動名詞的邏輯主語用物主代詞,后接動名詞。

30. I really can't understand ________ her like that.

A. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treating


31. Arriving at the bus stop, ____ waiting there.

A. he found a lot of people B. a lot of people were

C. he found a lot of people’s D. people were found

【答案】A 主句arriving at the bus stop 省略了when he was, 而waiting there的主語是people.所以狀語的邏輯主語應該和句子的主語保持一致,故排除B, D.在發(fā)現(xiàn)某人做某事時應用名詞或代詞的賓格,不可以用所有格形式,故C項可以排除,正確答案選A.句意是“當他到達車站時,發(fā)現(xiàn)有很多人等在那里.”

32. To succeed in a scientific experiment, ____.

one needs being patient person

patience is to need

one needs to be patient

patience is what needed

【答案】C. 本題考查的是獨立主格中分句和主句的主語要一致。逗號前面是非謂語做狀語,逗號后面需是句子,且非謂語的邏輯主語應與句子主語一致,排除B、D。要想在科學實驗中取得成功,必須要有耐心。


1. 作情態(tài)動詞時,與其他情態(tài)動詞“can”,“may”,“must”的用法基本相同。

2. 作實義動詞時,人+need+to do;物+need+doing=物+need+to be done。

3. 另外,“need”后還可以直接跟名詞。

33. Having taken our seats, _____.

A. the professor began the lecture B. the lecture began in no time

C. we were attracted by the lecturer immediately D. the bell announced the beginning of the lecture

【答案】C。本題考查的是現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語。前半句話是分詞形式的非謂語,所以后半句話應該不缺成分,有主語和謂語,而且句子主語也要是非謂語的邏輯主語。而Having taken our seats顯然是我們才能發(fā)出的動作,因此選擇C。我們都坐下以后,立刻被講座吸引了。

34. Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited


35. ________ where to go, the old man turned to a policeman for help.

A. Lost his way and not knowing B. Lost his way and didn't know

C. Losing his way and didn't know D. Having lost his way and not knowing


36. All things _____, the planned trip had to be called off.

A. considered B. be considered C. considering D. having considered

【答案】A 由于逗號前后無連接詞,所以判斷應用非謂語。排除B。邏輯主語All things和consider之間是被動關系,所以選A。

37. There are many kinds of metals, ___.

A. each having its special properties B. having its special properties

C. one has its special properties D. each has its special properties


38. With everything she needed _____, she went out of the shop, with her hands full of shopping bags.

A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. buy

【答案】A。本題考查的是介詞With的獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)。需要特別注意的是she needed是省略了that的定語從句修飾限制先行詞everything,而不是need doing。而非謂語buy和everything之間是被動的關系,所以選擇A:bought。需要的東西都買齊了,她拿著滿手的購物袋走出了商店。

39. With the old man ___ way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.

A. leading B. led C. lead D. to be led

【答案】A。介詞with可以跟復合賓語。表示伴隨的情況和結(jié)果。stand with one’s hands in one’s pockets.兩手插在口袋里站著。The king came in, with all his servants following after him.國王回來了,后面跟著全體仆役。There had been a riot with twenty injured.曾經(jīng)發(fā)生了一場有20人受傷的暴亂。

40. With the bridge ____, there was nothing for it but to swim.

A. was destroyed B. destroying

C. being destroyed D. destroyed

【答案】D。首先判斷用非謂語,排除A。本題考查的是with加分詞表狀態(tài)。the bridge和destroy之間是被動關系,排除B。無需強調(diào)正在進行,排除C。

41. With tears on her face, the old lady watched the little boy__ to a hospital.

A. send B. to do sent C. being sent D. sending

【答案】C boy是 send這個動作的賓語,所以要用被動式,因此排除B項和D項; 這為女士看到得失一個瞬間動作,所以應該用進行時,因此選現(xiàn)在分詞的被動式being sent.

42. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship ___ with all kinds of goods.

A. loading B. being loaded C. to be loaded D. having loaded

【答案】B。本句為現(xiàn)在分詞的被動做watch 的賓語補足語。因為賓語和賓補是動賓關系,而且表示動作正在進行,所以用現(xiàn)在分詞的被動式;watch 也可以跟無to不定式做賓補,表示動作已經(jīng)結(jié)束。Do you hear someone calling you? 你聽見有人叫你嗎?(現(xiàn)在分詞做賓補,表示動作正在進行。)Yes, I did. I heard him call me several times.是的,我聽見他叫了我?guī)状瘟恕?不定式做賓補,表示動作已經(jīng)結(jié)束)。

43. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _______ the next year.

A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out

【答案】A。經(jīng)理們討論了那個他們希望明年被執(zhí)行的計劃。See sth. done看到某事被做。

94. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _______ in the kitchen.

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

【答案】B。一個廚師如果被發(fā)現(xiàn)在廚房里吸煙,他將會被開除。Be find doing sth被發(fā)正在做某事。

45. He looked around and caught a man _______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put        B. to be putting   C. to put     D. putting

【答案】D。他看了看四周,看到一個小偷正在把手伸進乘客的衣袋里。Catch sb doing sth 抓到某人正在做某事。

46. I’ll ____ that I’m a qualified engineer.

A. have you know B. have known you C. have you knowing D. have you known

【答案】A have sb. do…:使某人做某事,后面動詞用原形,句意為:“我要讓你知道我……”,選A。

47. The teacher has his students ___ a composition every other week.

A. to write B. written C. writing D. write

【答案】D. have sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事,這和have sth. done不同,直接用動詞原形就可以,所以選D。

48. Before the guests come, I must get the glasses ______.

A. washed B. to be washed C. being washed D. to wash

【答案】A此題考查的是常見動詞后的賓補用法,也屬于非謂語動詞的范圍。Get+賓語+done, 表示讓/使…被…,這里是讓杯子被洗,故選A.

49. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ___ every night this week.

A. practice B. to practice C. practiced D. practicing

【答案】A have sb. do sth. “讓某人做某事”,固定搭配。

50. While he was climbing the high mountain, he had his leg ____.

A. broke B. break C. broken D. breaking

【答案】C 因為his leg是break這個動作的承受對象,所以應該用have sth. done這一短語。類似的情況很多,比如:have my hair cut, have the house painted 等等,have 此時的意思是;使,令。





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