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來源:湖北成人高考網(wǎng) 整編:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時間:2015-03-25 瀏覽:0






  ( )1.A. rather B. northern C. gather D. northward

 ?。? )2.A. draw B. always C. order D. wall

 ?。? )3.A. portrait B. worn C. forbid D. storm

 ?。? )4.A. could B. would C. should D. shoulder

 ?。? )5.A. lock B. cotton C. none D. operate



  ( )6. ________ elephant is ________ grass-eating animal.

  A. The;
the B. A;

  C. An;
the D. The;

 ?。? )7. The number of newly-born babies ________ very quickly.

  A. increase B. is increasing

  C. are increasing D. have increased

 ?。? )8. He is _______ boy that everyone likes him very much.

  A. so good a B. such good a

  C. a so good D. a such good

 ?。? )9. He is taller than _______ in his class.

  A. any boy B. other boys

  C. all boys D. any other boy

 ?。? )10. Was _______ careful enough _______ him to type that letter without a mistake?

  A. it;
for B. that;

  C. it;
of D. that;

 ?。? )11. The doctor ________ him to eat less meat.

  A. hopes B. suggests C. insists D. advises

 ?。? )12. The manager told us that this factory ________ in 1958.

  A. was built B. had built

  C. had been built D. had been set up

 ?。? )13. The old man seems to _______ in the accident.

  A. hurt B. be hurt

  C. have hurt D. have been hurt

 ?。? )14. I feel my health ________.

  A. improve B. to be improving

  C. to be improved D. to have improved

 ?。? )15. After walking for 2 hours, they stopped _______ by the roadside for a rest.

  A. sitting B. to sit C. seating D. to seat

 ?。? )16. _______ your sister and brothers ________ there yesterday?

  A. Were;
welcome B. Was;

  C. Were;
welcomed D. Was;

 ?。? )17. She was made ________ do that.

  A. not B. doesn‘t C. not to D. don’t

 ?。? )18. This problem requires ________ with great care.

  A. study B. to study C. studying D. being studied

 ?。? )19. There is a big hole _______ the left side of the ship.

  A. at B. on C. by D. in

 ?。? )20.—Are they all here?

  —No, _________ here.

  A. neither is B. either is not C. none is D. any is not

 ?。? )21. Hardly ________ out at night.

  A. does she go B. goes she C. she goes D. she had gone

 ?。? )22. Such a film _______ you saw isn‘t worth seeing at all.

  A. what B. which C. that D. as

 ?。? )23. You‘d better have a rest. Let us do it, ________ you?

  A. do B. don‘t C. will D. will not

 ?。? )24. I saw some foreigners ________ in the reception room.

  A. seating B. seat C. to sit D. seated

  ( )25. _______ the help of the teacher, I‘ve made great progress in my English study.

  A. Under B. Below C. With D. Because

 ?。? )26. He can do nothing but _______ lies.

  A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. speak

 ?。? )27. He regretted not _______ to the doctor‘s advice.

  A. to listen B. listening C. to have listened D. having listened

 ?。? )28. If it _______ tomorrow, we ________ put off the sports meet.

  A. rained;
shall B. should rain;

  C. rains;
should D. were to rain;

 ?。? )29. Walking along the street, _________.

  A. a car knocked me down B. a car had me knocked down

  C. I had a car knock me down D. I was knocked down by a car

  ( )30. She looks very sad. You ________ her the bad news.

  A. shouldn‘t tell B. needn’t tell

  C. oughtn‘t to tell D. shouldn’t have told



  After I had been waiting there much more than ten minutes, I felt certain I __31__ have missed the bus. There was only __32__ thing I could do __33__ that, I __34__ just have to walk home. Of course it was entirely my own fault. Lan __35__ me the last bus always __36__ Little Sutton at ten thirty exactly and it was now ten __37__ eleven. It would take me at __38__ an hour and a half and possibly more to walk to my home in Forest End. But there was __39__ moon in the sky and I was quite __40__ to walking much farther than that. Perhaps I __41__ not take the short cut through the woods. I might easily lose my __42__ in the darkness.

  I was halfway home when I heard a car __43__ slowly behind me. Could it be my imagination __44__ was it actually following me down the hill? Why __45__ should it be making __46__ slow progress? __47__ my opinion firm action is better than anxiety so I stood still __48__ if I were waiting for it to pass me. It stopped just beside me, the door opened and a man __49__, who said anxiously, “Have you any __50__ where we can get petrol at this time of night? We‘ve just run out completely.”

 ?。? )31.A. could B. might C. must D. should

  ( )32.A. one B. another C. the other D. other

 ?。? )33.A. for B. of C. about D. on

 ?。? )34.A. will B. shall C. ought D. would

 ?。? )35.A. had said B. tell C. said D. had told

 ?。? )36.A. got B. arrived C. left D. reached at

 ?。? )37.A. pass B. to C. of D. over

 ?。? )38.A. least B. more C. less D. most

 ?。? )39.A. full B. a full C. the full D. full the

 ?。? )40.A. getting B. coming C. used D. use

  ( )41.A. had thought B. had felt C. had planned D. had better

 ?。? )42.A. road B. path C. way D. street

 ?。? )43.A. moving B. move C. come D. run

  ( )44.A. and B. or C. but D. still

 ?。? )45.A. more B. much C. else D. some

 ?。? )46.A. such B. much C. so D. too

 ?。? )47.A. Of B. In C. About D. For

  ( )48.A. even B. like C. as D. seem

 ?。? )49.A. went out B. got away C. got on D. got out

 ?。? )50.A. thought B. massage C. information D. idea




  Bill and his family have been living in the same old building for eight years. The landlord (房東) also lives there, and usually all the tenants (房客) got along fairly well with one another. Recently, however, there has been a change in their relations.

  A nice, quiet old couple used to live there, too. The old lady would sometimes bring some small cakes she made to Bill‘s mother, who in return would give her some meat or help her with shopping. Unfortunately, the old lady died last month. As her husband couldn’t live alone, his grandson moved in.

  The grandson, a youth of about twenty, has become a problem to Bill‘s family because he is so noisy. Bill’s family members were used to peace and quiet, but the youth likes to listen to his radio late at night. Sometimes his friends came for a visit, and they also made a lot of noise. Everyone in Bill‘s family has been bothered by the new comer and getting angry.

  Bill‘s mother once politely asked the old man if he was able to sleep well at night, but it seemed that he didn’t understand what she meant and so never spoke to his grandson about it. If he did, the grandson apparently didn‘t listen, since things have not changed any. Everyone in Bill’s family agrees that something has to be done, but no one wants to hurt the old man‘s feelings or cause him any problems.

 ?。? )51. Which of the following statements is not true?

  A. The old man could not live without his wife‘s help.

  B. The old couple could not do any shopping.

  C. Bill‘s mother was kind to her neighbour.

  D. Bill‘s mother was the only one in the family who liked their neighbour’s grandson.

 ?。? )52. The grandson makes a lot of noise as _________.

  A. he never cares whether the neighbours might want to live in peace and quiet

  B. the walls of the building are thin

  C. he likes to listen to his radio early in the morning

  D. friends come to visit him

 ?。? )53. ________ will be able to solve the problem.

  A. Only Bill‘s mother B. Only the old man

  C. Only the grandson‘s friends D. Nobody

  ( )54. In the sentence “Everyone in Bill‘s family is bothered by the new neighbour”, “bother” means ________.

  A. scare B. cause trouble to C. worry D. make sorry


  The sea is the largest unknown part of the world. It covers seventy-one percent of the earth. There is still much to be discovered about this vast blanket of water.

  If the waters of the oceans could be moved away, the sea floor with its wide valleys, irregular mountains and rivers in the sea would be an unbelievable sight. Around the edges of the continents the ocean floor is flat and the water does not become much deeper for about thirty miles. Where there are high young mountains along the coast, this flat part may be much less than thirty miles. But where rivers flow into the sea, the flat area may extent for hundreds of miles.

  The region near the continents, where the water is not so deep, is the place where the ocean‘s greatest riches in marine life are found. Below these creatures and plants are the largest known quantities of minerals.

  At the end of the flat part the sea floor suddenly drops down, forming deep hollows which are shaped like bowls. These huge hollows hold most of the world‘s water.

  Imagine, if you can, a mountain chain stretching 40,000 miles around the earth. It is hard to believe that this great under-water chain of mountain encircling the earth was discovered only a few years ago.

  ( )55. Land areas cover _______ of the earth.

  A. seventy-one percent B. two-thirds

  C. thirty-one percent D. twenty-nine percent

 ?。? )56. Around the edges of the continents the water is relatively ________.

  A. narrow B. deep C. shallow D. regular

 ?。? )57. _______ is the good place for living creatures and plants.

  A. The deep water area of the sea

  B. The edges of the continent

  C. The shallow water area not far from the continents

  D. The area around the continents

 ?。? )58. A few years ago, ________ of 40,000 miles was ________.

  A. a chain of mountains;

  B. a mountain chain;

  C. an under water chain of mountains;

  D. a mountain chain around the earth;


  Jenkins was a jeweler, a master craftsman for the Silkstone Jewellery Company. Ten years ago he made a large diamond ring for the company. It was worth $2,000. The second looked exactly like the first. Jenkins knew it would pass all the usual tests—except one perhaps. Jenkins gave the much more valuable ring to his wife, It was her fortieth birthday, and the couple flew to Paris for a weekend. Later, the company sold the ring for $6,000.

  Six months ago the buyer brought it back to Silkstone‘s head office. “It’s a faulty diamond,” he said. “It isn‘t worth the high price I paid.”

  He explained the ,facts. His wife‘s car had caught fire in an accident. She had escaped, but the ring had come off her finger. It had fallen to the floor and been damaged in the great heat of the burning petrol.

  The company had to agree. They knew that no fire on earth can ever damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the real diamond and put a faulty stone in its place. The question was: who?

  A picture of the ring appeared in the newspapers. A professional photographer thought he recognized the ring. The next day there was another picture in the paper: it showed a famous actress walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the actress there was a woman wearing a large diamond ring. “Do you know the woman with the lovely diamond ring?” the papers asked their readers.

  At his trial, Jenkins asked the judge to consider eighty-one similar crimes against the Silkstone Jewellery Company.

  The judge said, “You are a master craftsman who turned bad. I feel rather sorry. But I must send you to prison. Seven years.”

 ?。? )59. Consider the name “master craftsman”。 From this story, do you think that a craftsman is clever in using his brain or his hands?

  Which of these men might be master craftsman?

  a. A shoemaker. b. A builder.

  c. A secretary. d. A doctor.

  e. A teacher. f. A watchmaker.

  g. A toolmaker. h. A motorist.

  A. a, b, f, g B. c, d, e C. a, b, f, g, h D. c, d, e, h

 ?。? )60. Who was important in the photograph?

  A. The photographer. B. Jenkins.

  C. The actress. D. The lady wearing the ring.

  ( )61. The company had to agree about ________.

  A. the damage to the diamond B. the fault in the diamond

  C. the price of the diamond ring D. the seven-year sentence

 ?。? )62. Who found Jenkins out?

  A. The newspaper. B. A famous actress.

  C. A professional photographer. D. The buyer.


  The badger (獾) has been nicknamed “doormat” because of its broad, squat form and is hairy back. Actually it is a courageous fighter. In pioneer days it was considered as great sport to turn a pack of dogs loose on this furry foe, but few dogs were willing to challenge the badger a second time.

  When attacked, the badger digs a protective hole. If cornered, it releases a strong odor (臭氣) from glands (腺) near its tail. The badger‘s height only about nine inches—places its throat below the line of attack of most dogs, and the back of its neck is protected by coarse hair.

  In a fight, the badger‘s front claws are formidable weapons. It can leave a dog limping after one well placed bite of its sharp teeth. Only the low-slung dachshund can easily get a deadly throat hold on the badger;
his dog was once much used in “badgering”。 Fortunately for the badger, the popularity of this sport has decreased considerably.

 ?。? )63. The badger releases a strong odor when it is _______.

  A. attacking another animal B. retreating from the fight

  C. cornered by its enemies D. digging a hole

  ( )64. It is hard for most dogs to attack a badger‘s throat because of the badger’s ______.

  A. low height B. sharp teeth C. powerful claws D.shin

 ?。? )65. The badger‘s coarse hair helps to _______.

  A. warn it of danger B. camouflage it

  C. protect it from enemies D. both B and C



  提示:Jack Smith是某校的新生,第一天到校,覺得這地方不錯,但對周圍的一切還不太熟悉。Peter Jones見到Jack主動和他打招呼。他們彼此做了自我介紹,Peter詢問Jack對學(xué)校的看法,并建議他去見自己的朋友。Jack同意了,并表示感謝。

  Peter:Hello, how are you?

  Jack:I‘m fine. ________66________?

  Peter:I‘m fine, too. My name is Peter Jones.


  Peter:Is this your first day here in this school?


  Peter:How do you like it?


  Peter:Why not come and meet some of my friends? I‘m sure they’d be glad to show you around.

  Jack:________70__________. Thank you.


  請根據(jù)提示寫一張舉行隔周一次的英語晚會(every– other– week English Evening)的書面通知


  地點:2號教學(xué)樓的報告廳(lecture room);



  報名地點:辦公樓,203室,學(xué)生會(Students‘ Union)。






  1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C


  6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.C 24.D 25.C 26.C 27.D 28.B 29.D 30.D


  31.C 32.A 33.C 34.D 35.D 36.C 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.C 41.D 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.C 46.A 47.B 48.C 49.D 50.C


  51.D 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.C 56.C 57.D 58.C 59.A 60.D 61.B 62.C 63.C 64.A 65.C


  66.How are you / And you

  67.I‘m / My name is Jack Smith


  69.I think it‘s a great place / Oh, it’s a wonderful place / I like it very much

  70.Oh, that‘s good



  In order to improve students‘ listening and speaking ability, the every – other – week English Evening is to be held in the lecture room, No. 2 Teaching Building, at 7:00 p.m. this Saturday, October 23. Program includes songs, recitation, dances, plays and so on. And our English teacher from America is going to make a short speech about English study. Everyone is welcome. Those who would like to take part in it, please sign your names at the Students’ Union, Room 203, Office Building.

October 20,2001

  Students‘ Union  


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