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串講自考英語(yǔ)閱讀(二)詞匯UNIT35-39 -自考串講筆記

湖北自考網(wǎng) 來(lái)源: 時(shí)間:2008-09-01 00:00:00



  abundantly  ad. in more than enough quantity  充足地

  alternative  n. sth. that way take the place of another thing  替代物

  availability  n. obtaining 獲得

  commodity  n. goods; sth. sold for profit 商品

  consultation  n. exchange of opinions and ideas 商量;磋商

  contain  v. hold 包住,裝

  contribution  n. the act of giving things or money 捐獻(xiàn)

  convert  v. change from one form or state to another 變換,轉(zhuǎn)換

  cooperation  n. working together for a common interest  合作

  core  n. the central part 核心

  emerge  v. come into being 出現(xiàn)

  emigration  n. leaving one‘s own country in order to go and live in another 移居

  endeavor  v. make an effort 努力

  factor  n. element 因素

  fluctuate  v. vary from one form or state to another 波動(dòng),起伏

  impact  n. effect 影響

  innovation  n. the introduction of sth. new 革新,創(chuàng)新

  level off   come to a stop 停滯

  merger  n. a joining of 2 or more firms, business companies, etc. 合并,聯(lián)合

  objective  n. purpose of a plan 目標(biāo),目的

  pace  n. rate or speed of development ?。òl(fā)展的)速度,節(jié)奏

  predict  v. see or describe a future happening in advance 預(yù)見(jiàn),預(yù)言

  preserve  v. keep safe from harm or danger 保護(hù),防護(hù)

  release  v. give off 釋放,放出

  renewed  a. of being repeated 重新開(kāi)始的;(中斷之后)繼續(xù)的

  risky  a. full of danger  危險(xiǎn)的

  scarcity  n. inadequate supply compared with demands 缺乏,匱乏

  specify  v. mention exactly 詳細(xì)介紹,詳細(xì)說(shuō)明

  speculate  v. guess 推測(cè),猜測(cè)

  storage  n. keeping things in a place for later use 貯藏;貯存

  sustain  v. support 支撐,支持

  tourism  n. the business of providing tours for tourists 旅游業(yè)

  trend  n. tendency 趨勢(shì),傾向

  various  a. different from each other 各種各樣的,各不相同的

  converter  n. 變換器

  dietary  a.飲食的

  geothermal  a. 地?zé)岬?/p>

  geyser  n. 間歇噴泉

  hydrogen  n.氫

  lava  n.熔巖

  radiation  n.輻射

  saturation  n. 飽和

  solar  a. 太陽(yáng)的

  thermal  a.熱的

  uranium  n.鈾

  UNIT  36



  adjust  v.  change slightly, esp. in order to make suitable for a particular job or new conditions  調(diào)整

  appraise  v.  judge the worth, quality, or condition of  估價(jià),評(píng)估

  combine  v.  come together, unite, act together, or join together  結(jié)合,聯(lián)合

  concentrate  v.  (cause to)come together in or around one place  集中

  contribute  v.  help in bringing about;have a share in  出一份力

  cooperative  a.  make, done, or worked by people acting together  合作的

  credit  n.  the sum of money placed at a person‘s disposal by a bank, etc.; advance or loan  存款;貸款

  currency  n.  the particular type of money in use in a country  貨幣

  defend  v.  keep safe from harm  防衛(wèi)

  deflate  v.  reduce the supply of money (of) or lower the level of  緊縮(銀根)

  disequilibria  n.  loss or lack of balance  失衡

  envisage  v.  have picture in the mind; imagine  設(shè)想,想像

  establish  v.  set up  建立

  evaluate  v.  calculate the value or degree of  估價(jià),把…定值

  extreme  a.  the greatest possible  極端的

  fiscal  a.  of or related to public money, taxes, debts, etc.  財(cái)政的

  gallant  a.  courageous  有勇氣的

  imply  v.  involve the truth of  意指,暗指

  institution  n.  a large society or organization  機(jī)構(gòu)

  invest  v.  put money into something that will increase in value  投資

  lynchpin  n.  an important part  關(guān)鍵

  mitigation  n.  lessening the seriousness of  緩解,緩和

  nurture  v.  train, educate or develop  養(yǎng)育,培育,教養(yǎng)

  peg  v.  fix or hold at a certain level  固定,限定

  persist  v.  continue firmly  堅(jiān)持

  premium  n.  money paid to an insurance company  保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)

  private  a.  personal; not shared with others  私人的,個(gè)人的

  proceeds  n.  money gained from the sale  收入,收益

  proportion  n.  a part or share  部份,份兒

  sound  a.  solid and strong  堅(jiān)實(shí)的,穩(wěn)定的

  sour  v.  turning out to be bad or wrong; disappointing  使變酸腐;使失望

  speculate  v.  buy or deal in goods , shares, etc.  投機(jī)

  stable  a.  not easily  moved, upset, or changed; firm; steady  穩(wěn)固的,穩(wěn)定的

  subscribe  v.  give money to  捐助

  surplus  n.  (an amount ) additional to what is needed or use, as of money  余額

  float bands  發(fā)行債券

  parity  n.  平價(jià)(指官定貨幣匯兌比值)

  softloan  n.  軟幣貸款



  astronaut  n. a person who travels through space in a space vehicle 宇航員

  astrophysics  n. the scientific study of the chemical nature of the stars and the natural  forces that influence them 天體物理學(xué)

  billow  v. rise and roll in waves (波浪似地)翻騰

  breathtaking  a. very exciting 激動(dòng)人心地

  capture  v. hold the interest of; captivate 引起(注意);迷住

  cataclysm  n. a violent and sudden change or event  災(zāi)變,大變動(dòng)

  churn  v. (cause to) more about violently 劇烈攪動(dòng)

  collaborate  v. work together or with someone else   協(xié)作,合作

  collision  n. the action of meeting and striking (together) violently 碰撞,沖突

  cosmic  a. of or related to the whole universe 宇宙的

  cosmos  n. the whole universe 宇宙

  crucial  a. of deciding importance 決定性的,關(guān)鍵的

  devastate  v. destroy completely 徹底破壞

  dimension  n. a measurement in any one direction 尺寸,尺度,維

  distract  v. take (a person or a person‘s mind) off sth. 分散,分心

  domesticate  v. make…able to live with and serve man 馴化,使歸化

  elliptical  a. having the shape of oval 橢圓型的

  exquisite  a. very finely made or done; sensitive and delicate 優(yōu)美的,精巧的,敏銳的

  fragment  n. a small broken piece 碎塊,斷片

  galaxy  n. any of the large groups of stars which make up the universe 星系

  gigantic  a. unusually large in amount or size 巨人似的,龐大的

  gravitation  n. the act of drawing down 地心引力,吸引力

  horizon  n. line at which earth and sky meet 地平線




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