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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時(shí)間:2009-09-01 00:00:00


I. After each sentence, four options are given. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (40%)
1. Housekeepers at that time were mostly (     )
A. manservants  B. menservants
C. man servants  D. men servants
2. Now I want to give you (     )
A. some advice  B. advices
C. an advice  D. the advices
3. The earthquake caused _____damage to the city.(     )
A. many  B. few
C. a few  D. much
4. Though they are complete strangers, they behave as if they _____friends for years.(     )
A. were  B. are
C. have been  D. had been
5. All passengers _____before getting on board the plane.(     )
A. will check  B. will have checked  
C. will be checked  D. will been checked
6. It is necessary that he _____his work on time.(     )
A. accomplish  B. can accomplish
C. accomplishes  D. has accomplish
7. He _____his homework yesterday, so he could not go to see the film.(     )
A. must do  B. must have to do
C. has to do  D. had to do
8. There has been an increasing number of _____in primary schools in the past few years.(     )
A. man teachers  B. men teachers
C. man’s teachers  D. men’s teachers

9. Turn left at the second (     )
A. crossroads  B. crossroad
C. crossing roads  D. crossing road
10. This is an excellent film. I like it better _____I have seen.(     )
A. than any other  B. than any  
C. the best  D. the best of all
11. He had an extraordinary passion _____Shakespeare.(     )
A. in  B. with  
C. of  D. for
12. Why were you absent _____school yesterday?(     )
A. in  B. from
C. during  D. of
13. _____Newcastle was excited at the news.(     )
A. Whole  B. All
C. The whole of  D. All the
14. Susan is _____her husband is intelligent.(     )
A. more beautiful than  B. so beautiful as
C. as beautiful as  D. more intelligent than
15. She works in the hospital _____people regard as the best one.(     )
A. where  B. in which
C. which  D. what
16. She was _____I met at the meeting last time.(     )
A. the one  B. who
C. the one what  D. that
17. He always did well at school _____having his early education disrupted by illness.(     )
A. on account of  B. in spite of
C. in addition to  D. even though
18. _____little we may like it, old age comes to most of us.(     )
A. Despite  B. However
C. So  D. As
19. The Prime Minister and Party leader of that country _____recently.(     )
A. have resigned  B. resign
C. resigns  D. has resigned
20. Each of us, who has just come back from abroad, _____something to say.(     )
A. have  B. has
C. have had  D. having
21. Neither of your two answers _____correct.(     )
A. is  B. are
C. were  D. have been
22. He left orders that nothing _____touched until the police arrived here.(     )
A. should be  B. ought to be
C. must be  D. would be
23. _____to have dinner with us today?(     )
A. Would you like  B. Do you like  
C. Will you like  D. Have you like
24. He likes to order _____than he can eat.(     )
A. food more  B. little food
C. more food  D. least food
25. This may have preserved the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals _____in Africa.(     )
A. hunted  B. hunting
C. that hunted  D. are hunted
26. Don’t start riding the high horse. These people are not _____you at all.(     )
A. more inferior than  B. inferior to  
C. inferior from  D. inferiorer than
27. To keep _____confusing your readers, always put modifying phrases and clauses near the words they modify.(     )
A. on  B. off
C. back  D. from

28. London has a larger population than _____in the United Kingdom.(     )
A. any city  B. any cities
C. any other city  D. all the cities
29. There are _____than the mayor of the town.(     )
A. more intelligent monkeys  B. much more intelligent monkeys
C. monkeys more intelligent  D. more monkeys intelligent
30. See that everything the landlady promised to do is completed before you move in. Don’t fall _____empty promises.(     )
A. on  B. for
C. over  D. against
31. Not that I mean to find fault _____you, for such things I know are all chance in the world.(     )
A. to  B. for
C. with  D. on
32. Although Angela was the most aggressive and successful salesperson in the firm, her boss passed her by _____a promotion.(     )
A. for  B. on
C. with  D. off
33. The room was too cold without heating and too small for a family of four. _____, it was better than I had expected.(     )
A. However  B. But  
C. Furthermore  D. Still
34. Have you found anything _____we can use for the project?(     )
A. which  B. that
C. what  D. who
35. A new war broke _____between the two countries.(     )
A. out  B. down
C. off  D. up
36. I hired a boat _____we could go fishing.(     )
A. provided  B. so as that
C. so that  D. in order to
37. The Great Wall is the place _____almost all tourists would like to visit when they came to China.(     )
A. where  B. of which
C. in which  D. which
38. Rather than _____the risk of losing anything, they accepted his term.(     )
A. to run  B. run
C. running  D. ran
39. You _____Jim anything about it. It was none of his business.(     )
A. needn’t have told  B. needn’t tell  
C. mustn’t have told  D. mustn’t tell
40. We need an instrument _____size must be small.(     )
A. which  B. that
C. whose  D. what
II. Each of the following sentences has four words or phrases underlined. They are marked A, B, C and D. You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that is inappropriate. (10%)
(     )41. In your all three sentences the active form is acceptable, but not the passive.
         A         B               C                          D
(     )42. His all movements are being watched.
                A        B  C     D
(     )43. If it is to rain tomorrow, we’ll have to cancel the game.
         A    B       &nbs



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