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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2012-02-21 16:20:16



I.Give the English equivalents to the following abbreviations.(10%)
II. Put the following phrases into English.(10%)
III.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box. (15%)
under, Beyond, with, of, Besides, for, into, As
11. We would highly appreciate it if you take this matter ______ consideration.
12. ______ informed to you earlier, our buyers are a small party and have already suffered a lot of financial losses.
13. Our Service Engineering Department assures proper installation, operation and maintenance of the equipment, regardless ______ location.
14. We are desirous to place as much business ______ you as is possible.
15. The sellers are ______ obligation to complete the delivery of the goods at the contracted rate.
16. ______ the price, the seller indicates other terms and conditions of a transaction.

accommodate, in urgent need of, see to it that, out of a desire, out of place,
 established, from that point on, to the knowledge of, advised, iron out, at any rate, recommend
17.Please be ______ that we have already forwarded you the sample requested.
18.We have brought ______ you that claims should be lodged against us supported by survey report within 60 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination.
19.The banker did not ______ the shop-keeper with a loan of money.
20.This is our ______ practice that the goods should be inspected after arrival at our port.
21.Mr. Smith worked hard ______ to earn his own living.
22.Finally they have managed to ______ the substantial difference and come to business.
23.They promised us that they would provide us with the necessary information ______.
24.Our customer is ______ the goods, he cannot afford to wait.
25.It is one of our principles to ______ contracts are honoured and commercial integrity maintained.
IV. Reading Comprehension(20%)
A. Read the passage and answer the questions.
  Many field sales people are franchisees rather than company employees. The company equips them with the latest sales automation tools, enabling them to develop individualized multimedia presentations and customized market offerings and contracts.
  Most buyers prefer to meet sales people on their computer screen rather than in their office. More and more personal selling is occurring over electronic media where the buyer and seller see each other on their computer screens in real time. Sales people are traveling less and airlines are shrinking. The most effective sales people are well informed, trustworthy, likeable and good at listening.
26. A “franchisee” is an ______.(      )
A. agent  B. advertiser
C. employer D. employee
27. According to the passage, many franchisees are equipped with the latest sales automation tools and they can do all the following things EXCEPT ______.(      )
A. to develop individualized multimedia presentations
B. to develop customized market offerings
C. to develop customized market contracts
D. to develop their personal competence
28. Most customers like to meet sales people ______.(      )
A. in their office  B. on their computer screen
C. in their department  D. in their own home
29. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?(      )
A. Sales people and their customers cannot see each other on their computer screens.
B. Sales people are involved in a lot of traveling.
C. Sales people are traveling less nowadays.
D. Airplanes are becoming smaller and smaller.
30. Which of the following features is NOT included in the characteristics of the most effective sales people?(      )
A. Well-informed.  B. Trustworthy.
C. Likeable.   D. With good hearing.
B. Read this passage and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). 
  The desire for access to petroleum resources has proved to be a potent source of conflict in the 20th century. Since World War II, the Middle East has provided the main focal point for disputes involving energy, but the disintegration of the Soviet Union has widened the area of potential tension to include Central Asia. A further development has been the arrival of a new player on the stage of global petroleum politics: China.
  As China’s economic, political and military power has grown, so has its involvement in international affairs. One dimension is the sudden and rapid growth of participation by Chinese companies in the international petroleum arena, both for oil imports and for investments overseas.
31. One of the open sources of conflict in the 20th century lies in the desire for access to petroleum resources. (      )
32. The disintegration of the Soviet Union has no effect on the world economic tension. (      )
33. China has tried to avoid getting into the global petroleum politics. (      )
34. China’s involvement in international affairs results from its growth in economic, political and military power. (      )
35. Chinese companies have always been active in the international petroleum arena. (      )
V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (10%)
36. The Parties shall work together with a view to making Tianjin a manufacturer and supplier to the JVC under sublicense from the JVC as soon as practicable.
37. Shippers are requested to note particularly the exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Lading with reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods.
38. Dealing with the point made about letters of credit, the Plaintiff’s contention is altogether impossible to reconcile with their performance of the original contracts.
39. In a contract which provides for payment by confirmed credit, the credit, in the absence of express stipulation, must be made available to the seller at the beginning of the shipment period.
40. We were approached by Mr. Smith with offers of assistance in purchasing Chinese products.
VI. Translate the following sentences into English. (15%)
41. 回購是指我們進口設備或技術,用其生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品來補償。
42. 質量和數(shù)量都必須與合同規(guī)定相吻合。
43. 我們要求用以我方為抬頭的、不可撤銷的、金額為全部貨款的信用證,允許分裝。
44. 美國公司同意就質量不合格問題向我們賠償總價值的百分之六。
45. 他們將會給這些貨物按發(fā)票金額加百分之十投保綜合險。
VII. Letter-writing(20%)
1) 事由:你方對1000公噸化肥索賠(Your Claim on 1000 M/Ts Chemical Fertilizer)。
2) 對于你方8月2日來函提出短重1540 lbs化肥,我方深表遺憾,這肯定造成你方對客戶供貨的困難。
3) 經(jīng)我方在Glasgow倉庫的工作人員核查發(fā)現(xiàn),大約40袋化肥沒有按合同裝入5個三合板紙箱中,因此造成倉庫經(jīng)理的疏忽,對此,我們(出口商)表示誠摯的道歉。
4) 鑒于我們長期存在的業(yè)務關系,我方在收到你方協(xié)議后即通過中國銀行用支票的形式向你方戶頭打入382英鎊賠款。
5) 我方希望這件事情不會影響我們將來的業(yè)務。
6) 寫信日期為2006 年8月11日。



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