國家工信部網(wǎng)站備案實名:湖北自考網(wǎng) 為考生提供湖北自考信息服務(wù),僅供學習交流使用,官方信息以湖北教育考試院為準。
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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2012-02-21 17:15:23






Ⅰ. Give English equivalents to the following abbreviations: (10%)
1. A/W
2. M.O.
4. FAQ
5. IMF
Ⅱ. Put the following phrases into English: (15%)
1. 稅目
2. 對等貨樣
3. 備妥日期
4. 銷售合同
5. 貿(mào)易習慣
6. 合同貨物
7. 不可撤銷信用證
8. 不可抗力
9. 裝運口岸
10. 年配額
Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or adverbs: (15%)
1.Seeing that the goods are very delicate, we advise you to take precaution ______ breakage.
2.Their claim for shortage was repudiated by the insurers on the ground that the goods had not been inspected ______ transshipment.
3.The factory turns ______ upwards of 5000 tons a month.
4.Any damage resulting ______ negligence must be paid for by the borrower.

5.Referring to Work Gloves, we would like you to change the quantity of the goods ______ S/C P43248 to approximately 5000 dz. pairs of Article P24843.
6.We have ______ thanks received your letter dated 18th July, five pieces of cow split leather and 2 pieces of work glove samples.
7.We have sold you rabit skins ______ excess of one million pieces.
8.It is inexplicable that you, ______ the circumstances, put forward to defer discussing this subject.
9.Mr. Jones has consulted the chemists ______ the BPL content of this shipment before he makes a decision.
10.An additional tax has recently been imposed ______ agricultural products.
11.We hope we would be paid in same coin ______ your end.
12.I must get ______ communication with him on this subject.
13.The devaluation of the Pound sterling has induced many foreign buyers to place more orders ______ British manufacturers.
14.The report clearly shows that the parcel ______ question stands for the best possible standard for export.
15.The practice of leasing implies special consideration ______ legal questions.
Ⅳ. Match the words and expressions with the explanations:(10%)
Words and expressions:
1.accommodation          (        )
2.outlet (        )
3.lease (        )
4.bill of lading (        )
5.at any rate (        )
6.inventory (        )
7.bill of exchange (        )
8.notify (        )
9.reimburse (        )
10. prevailing (        )
A.the entire store of a business
B.a written order requiring somebody to make a specified payment to the signatory or to a named payee
C.a convenient arrangement 
E.to repay a person who has spent or lost money
F.a point from which goods are sold
G.a receipt for goods for shipment by sea
H.to let
I.to inform
J.in any case
Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences: (30%)
1. 就迄今為止遇到與商品有關(guān)的一系列問題,特向你方提出。
2. 關(guān)于正在組裝的50套刮胡刀,請隨時告知進展,特別是裝配成本。
3. 裝配過程中零件和輔料的合理損壞率在3% 。
4. 如貴方需要我方產(chǎn)品目錄中的任何商品,請不吝查詢。
5. 經(jīng)檢查,我方發(fā)現(xiàn)每箱重量都短少。
6. This Bill of Lading is subject to the conditions and exceptions of the carrying conveyance.
7. Should any damage be incurred, you may within 30 days after the arrival of the consignment at the port of destination, approach the insurance agents and file your claim with them.
8. If the board should fail to resolve such a dispute, it shall be brought in principle before the ordinary court of the domicile of the actual defendant.
9. Please send us the following articles by express and charge to our account.
10. Upon inspection, we found some cases were broken due to poor packing.
Ⅵ. Letter-writing (20%)


Ⅰ.Give the English equivalents to the following abbreviations.(10%)
1.IMF         ____________________________
2.CIF&C   ____________________________
3.YAS   ____________________________
4.T.T.P.   ____________________________
5.FOUO   ____________________________
Ⅱ.Put the following phrases into English.(10%)
6.協(xié)定雙邊配額 ____________________________
7.保險費  ____________________________
8.委托行  ____________________________
9.目的港碼頭交貨   ____________________________
10.中國商品檢驗局  ____________________________
Ⅲ.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box.(15%)

at of up on with between off in

11.Please insure ______ invoice value plus 10%.
12.Since the premium varies ______ the extend of coverage, extra premium is for buyer’s account, should additional risks be effected.
13.This extension of the trader’s domain is highly important, since it enables the vendee to make a choice ______ alternative goods in satisfying his needs.
14.The financial crisis set ______ in East Asian countries in early 1990s.
15.They had fantastic sales for a few months, and then they leveled ______.
16.The manager has just got a couple of jobs to mop ______ before she goes on holiday.

apply to, complicated, imitation, is consistent with, Auction Market, generate, credit
worthy, regardless of, deteriorate, attach to, boycott, obligation
17.A Transferring bank shall be under no ______ to effect such transfer except to the extent and in the manner expressly consented to by such bank.
18.The Extension consists of a length of steel tube with a coupling on the other end to ______ a handwheel or some other type of operating device.
19.The general provisions in the constitution ______ its generality and the particular provisions to its particularity.
20.A ______ of companies that do not sign on to a pledge to endorse a shorter term could work.
21.With a subscription to ______ Resource, you can view details of thousands of items sold at jewelry auctions around the world.
22.The quality policy can be used for improvement provided that it ______ top management’s vision and strategy for the organization’s future.
23.While copying is often dismissed as a sign of a lack of imagination, some studies have shown that ______ actually leads to better innovation.
24.Because the art of manufacturing mao-tai is ______ and its p



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