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來源:湖北自考網 時間:2015-04-30




  In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Most people generally __1__ them and the job they do-although there are certain people who do not believe that the police __2__ have the power that they do.

  What does a policeman actually do? It is not __3__ job to describe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in __4__. A policeman often has to control traffic, either __5__ foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all, or a lot of, his time __6__ up and down main roads and motorways(高速公路). A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop __7__ drivers and help when there is an accident.

  A policeman has to help keep the __8__, too. If there is a fight or some other disturbance, we __9__ the police to come and restore(恢復) order. And they often have to __10__ situation at great risk to their own __11__.

  We expect the police to solve crimes, of course. So an ordinary policeman, __12__ he is not a detective, will often have to help __13__ and arrest criminals.

  And __14__ do well when there is an emergency—an air crash, a __15__, a road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. __16__ a policeman has to be __17__ to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the __18__ world.

  The police do an absolutely necessary job, they do it __19__ well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could __20__ do the job of a policeman.

  1.A.dislike B.join

  C.appreciate D.admire

  2.A.should B.would

  C.could D.must

  3.A.a funny B.a pleasant

  C.an interesting D.an easy

  4.A.it B.one

  C.him D.them

  5.A.on B.by

  C.under D.with

  6.A.walking B.driving

  C.wandering D.running

  7.A.rested B.tiring

  C.speeding D.waken

  8.A.peace B.silence

  C.situation D.condition

  9.A.wait for B.see

  C.think of D.expect

  10.A.turn to B.avoid

  C.deal with D.treat

  11.A.safety B.families

  C.future D.friends

  12.A.although B.as if

  C.however D.even if

  13.A.get rid of B.question

  C.look for D.sentence

  14.A.how B.where

  C.what D.who

  15.A.power failure B.fire

  C.thunderstorm D.thief

  16.A.Yet B.Then

  C.As D.So

  17.A.provided B.promised

  C.prepared D.presented

  18.A.future B.modern

  C.real D.past

  19.A.extremely B.specially

  C.surprisingly D.particularly

  20.A.hardly B.forever

  C.ever D.never


  Thanks to a combination of young businessmen, large numbers of university students and revitalization(新生) efforts by the locals and national governments,today's Nanjing has an __21__ of youthful exuberance(繁茂) that would have been __22__ only a few decades ago. __23__, the city, a booming city of 6.5 million on the banks of the Yangtze River some 185 miles west of Shanghai, bears __24__ resemblance to the former capital of China that suffered the worst cruelty and violence of World War II.

  __25__ Nanjing has shown a remarkable capacity for reinvention during its 2,500­year history. And in recent years, the city has moved __26__ its tragic past to become a vital engine of China's economic growth, thanks __27__ to its position in the middle of China's prosperous eastern seaboard. Growth has also __28__ thanks to improved ground transportation. A new bullet train linking Nanjing and Shanghai started service last year, __29__ travel time between the cities from several hours to just 75 minutes, and a Beijing­Shanghai high­speed line is __30__ to open later this year, with a stop in Nanjing. Within the city, two metro lines were built in the last few years; fifteen more are planned to begin service by 2030.

  Signs of Nanjing's __31__ wealth and optimism can be seen everywhere. In the heart of the downtown Xinjiekou district, a bronze statue of Sun Yat­sen, __32__ the father of modern China, looks __33__ over a busy __34__ area.

  There is perhaps no more __35__ symbol of the city's transformation than the Zifeng Tower, a 1,480­foot skyscraper that opened its doors last May. __36__ offices, restaurants and an intercontinental hotel, the tower is the second­tallest building in China and billed as the seventh­tallest in the world.

  Underlying all this development is a large Chinese and __37__student population—there are several major universities, plus a branch of Johns Hopkins School of Advanced international studies. In fact, art and music __38__ in all sorts of places.

  On a larger __39__, local government officials and private investors are pushing the city as a rising centre for contemporary art and architecture, hoping to attract __40__ from the neon­bathed streets of its neighbour Shanghai.

  21.A.advance B.affection

  C.air D.ability

  22.A.unforgettable B.unthinkable

  C.unbearable D.unnecessary

  23.A.Actually B.Regretfully

  C.Hopefully  D.Consequently

  24.A.close B.slight

  C.much D.little

  25.A.Because B.But

  C.As D.Since

  26.A.beyond B.on

  C.off D.out

  27.A.in addition B.in all

  C.in part D.in fact

  28.A.started B.enlarged

  C.existed D.accelerated

  29.A.removing B.cutting

  C.piding D.lowering

  30.A.scheduled B.invented

  C.desired D.meant

  31.A.attractive B.well­received

  C.newfound D.discovered

  32.A.thought B.treated

  C.considered D.elected

  33.A.out B.at

  C.about D.for

  34.A.remote B.regional

  C.rural D.commercial

  35.A.universal B.visible

  C.traditional D.political

  36.A.Keeping B.Consisting

  C.Opening D.Housing

  37.A.British B.western

  C.American D.foreign

  38.A.spring up B.stand up

  C.set up D.keep up

  39.A.extent B.degree

  C.scale D.level

  40.A.businessmen B.students

  C.tourists D.painters


  【文章大意】 本文是一篇說明文,主要介紹了英國警察職責之所在。

  1.C 根據下文“The police do an absolutely necessary job,they do it …well and I support them,but I do not envy policemen.”可知,大部分人都還是欣賞警察這個職業(yè)和他們所做的工作的,故選C項。

  2.A 根據語境“…there are certain people who do not believe…”,和上文“In Britain,people have different attitudes to the police.”可推知,此處有人持反對的觀點,認為警察不應該擁有那些他們現在所擁有的權力,故選A項。should應該,驚訝,萬一。

  3.D 根據下文“After all,a policeman has a number of jobs…”可推知,警察的工作不是一句兩句可以說清楚的,故選D項。

  4.B 根據語境可知,警察的工作是容許多工作為一體的,故選B項。

  5.A 固定搭配on foot意為“徒步”,與in a police car呼應,故選A項。

  6.B 根據上文in a police car on the roads可知,交警大部分時間驅車在路上巡查,故選B項。

  7.C 根據語境“A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving…” 可推知,交警有職責阻止超速駕駛,故選C項。speeding高速行駛的。

  8.A 根據下文“If there is a fight or some other disturbance,we…the police to come and restore(恢復) order.”可推知,警察有職責維護和平,避免打架斗毆或其他困擾事件的發(fā)生,故選A項。

  9.D 根據下文“We expect the police to solve crimes…”可知,此處表示我們在遇到困擾事件時會期望(expect)警察來幫忙處理,故選D項。

  10.C 根據上文“we…the police to come and restore(恢復) order.”可知,警察會幫助人們處理類似暴力事件,與下文solve crimes呼應,故選C項。

  11.A 根據上文“If there is a fight or some other disturbance…”可知,處理這樣的事件是有一定的危險的,警察的安全也有可能受到威脅,故選A項。

  12.D 根據語境可知,上下句表示邏輯上的讓步關系,故選D項。

  13.C 根據語境detective可知,此處表示幫助搜尋,然后逮捕罪犯,故選C項。

  14.D 根據下文“We call the police.”可知,此處是對做事的人進行提問,故選D項。

  15.B 根據提示詞an emergency和文中所列舉的事件相呼應可知,fire符合語境,故選B項。

  16.D 根據語境可知,上下句是邏輯上的因果關系,故選D項。

  17.C 根據語境可知,警察要對一切可能的緊急狀況做好充分的準備,故選C項。

  18.B 根據語境可知,所有這些所列舉的緊急狀況都是發(fā)生在我們現代生活中的常見情景,與文中的現在時呼應,故選B項。

  19.A 與absolutely形成呼應可知,警察工作做得很棒,故選A項。extremely極端地,極其,非常。

  20.C I don't think這樣的句型本身就是一種否定轉移,故排除否定的選項。根據提示詞could可知,此處表示之前發(fā)生的事情,故選C項。


  【文章大意】 文章介紹了現在的南京在幾十年中發(fā)生的巨大變化,從經濟、文化、教育、交通方面都發(fā)生了令人難以置信的轉變。

  21.C 今天的南京有著幾十年前想不到的朝氣蓬勃的繁榮的氛圍。air空氣,氛圍。

  22.B 見上題解析。unthinkable難以置信的。

  23.A 實際上,這個位于長江岸邊在上海西邊的擁有650萬人口的城市和在二戰(zhàn)中遭受殘酷和暴力的中國的前首都幾乎沒有什么相似之處。

  24.D 見上題解析。little很少。

  25.B 但是南京在其2500年的歷史中顯示出了非凡的再造能力。

  26.A 這個城市已經超越了其悲劇性的過去,成為中國經濟增長的重要引擎。

  27.C in addition此外;in all總共;in part部分;in fact實際上。部分由于其在中國富裕的東部沿海地區(qū)的位置。

  28.D 多虧了改善地面交通而加快了步伐。accelerate加快,増長。

  29.B 城市之間的旅行時間從幾小時到只有75分鐘。cut…to 削減至。

  30.A 一條京滬高速線定于今年晩些時候開放,將在南京中轉。be scheduled to被安排,定于。

  31.C 南京的新發(fā)現的(newfound) 財富和樂觀的跡象隨處可見。

  32.C 在市中心新街口地區(qū)的核心,被認為是現代中國之父的孫逸仙先生的銅像,俯視著繁忙的商業(yè)區(qū)。

  33.A 見上題解析。look out over俯瞰。

  34.D 由“In the heart of the downtown Xinjiekou district…”可知這是商業(yè)中心。

  35.B 也許是沒有比紫峰大廈更明顯的城市的轉變的象征。

  36.D 一個去年5月開業(yè)的1480英尺高的摩天大樓集辦公室、餐館和洲際酒店為一體。house此處意為“容納”。

  37.D 眾多的中外學生人口是所有這些發(fā)展的基礎。

  38.A spring up不斷涌現;stand up站起來;set up建立;keep up維持。藝術和音樂出現在各種各樣的地方。

  39.C on a larger scale 更大規(guī)模地,更大程度上。

  40.C 希望能吸引來自上海的游客。

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