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來源:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時間:2015-05-12



  1. ----______you did?

  ----No, in fact I didn’t need to.

  A.Is that what B. Is what that C. What is that D. Is what

  2. He was seriously ill. That is______he didn’t come yesterday.

  A. the reason B. why C. because D. for what

  3. He didn’t come yesterday. That is_______he was ill.

  A. why B. the reason why C. because D. for what

  4.Things were not________they had been before.

  A. as if B. as like C. as D. like

  5._______the old man’s sons wanted to know was_______the gold had been hidden.

  A.What ; that B. That; where C.What; where D. What; whether

  6.Our city is quite different from _______ ten years ago.

  A.what it is B. which it was C. that it was D. what it was

  7.The little boy is wondering_______to visit Disneyland.

  A. how it is like B. how is it like C. what it is like D. what is it like

  8._______was telling a lie.

  A.Anyone who tells you B.Whoever told you that

  C.Those who told you that D.Whoever told you

  9.All of the boys went out to see_______with their trainer.

  A.what wrong was B. what the matter was C. what was the matter D. what was the wrong

  10.Mother made a promise_______I passed the final exam she would buy me a compueter.

  A. if B.that whether C.whether D.that if

  11._____we will go outing depends on_______it will be a fine day tomorrow.

  A.If ; whether B. Whether ; if C. Whether ; whether D. If ; if

  12.We don’t doubt________he is suitable for the job

  A. whether B.that C.whether or not D. if

  13.I still remember the promise_______he made_______he would give me a gift for my birthday.

  A. what; that B.that ; that C. that ; which D.which; which

  14.I have no idea_______he will come back from work.

  A.where B.that C. when D.which

  15. Is that the reason______you can’t tell us?

  A. for which B.why C.that D.what

  16.-----I’d like to invite you to a concert this evening.

  -----Thank you ,but_______I’ ll be free I am not sure at the moment.

  A. while B.if C.when D.whether

  17.I kept looking at the man, wondering________.

  A.whether I have seen him before B.where I had seen him before

  C.that I had seen him before D.when I had seen him before

  18.America was________was first called “India” by Columbus.

  A. that B. where C. what D. the place

  19.Is there a shop around_________I can get a pack of cigarettes?

  A. which B. where C. that D.what

  20.The soldiers soon reached _______ was once an old temple________the villagers used as a school.

  A.which ; where B.what ; which C. where ; which D.what; where

  21.----I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply.

  ----Oh, that was probably______I was seeing the doctor.

  A. when B. why C.what D.that

  22.Helen is much more kind to her youngest child than to the others,______,of course, makes the others unhappy.

  A.who B.which C. she D.that

  23.Why don’t you bring________to his atteention that you are too busy to do it?

  A. this B. what C.that D. it

  24._______she was invited to the party made her very happy.

  A.If B.That C.When D.Because

  25.Whether ways wiill be found to stop pollution or not is just________worries the public.

  A .why B.which C.that D.what

  26.-----Do you have anything in mind________you ’d like for supper?

  -----Well,_______is okey with me.

  A. that ;anything B. which; everything C.what; whatever D. where; something

  27.The boy ped into the water and after________seemed to be a long time, he came up again.

  A. what B.that C. it D.which

  28.Please tell me_________you want your coffee, black or white?

  A.what B.when C.whether D.how

  29.These two areas are similar_______ they both have a high rainful during this season

  A. besides that B.in that C.except that D. so that

  30.The writer has wrriten quite a few books now,_______his teachers and parents didn’t expect.

  A.that B. as C.of which D.which

  31.He noticed that the straight part of the dance was different in the afeternoon from_______it had been in the morning.

  A. that B. what C.where D. which

  32.Actually, girls can be________they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, a nurse, or a general manager.

  A.who B. which C.whartever D.no matter what

  33.He is no longer the man________he was.

  A. who B. that C. whom D. as

  34.----How do you like the book?

  ----It’s quite different from ________I read last month.

  A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what

  35.A harvester is machine_______ we harvest crops or a person_______ in harvesting

  A. which; who B. which; that

  C. with it ; who D. with which; that

  36.I will hire the man________they say is a good English speaker.

  A. who B. that C.which D. whom

  37.Those who_______seen the film think highly of it.

  A. has B. have C.had D. is

  38.The beautiful dress,________she went to the ball was borrowed from a friend.

  A. whom B. on which C. in which D.with which

  39.Is_______some German friends visited last week?

  A.this school B.this the school C. this school one D.this school where

  40.I show you a store________you may buy all________you need.

  A. in which; that B.where; which C.which; that D. that; that

  41.This is one of the largest factories________been built since last year.

  A. which have B. that have C.which has D.that has

  42.Our table, one of________legs is broken, needs repairing.

  A.its B.it C. which D. whose

  43.She likes to use the words______ is not very clear.

  A.the meaning of whom B. of whose meaning

  C. of which the meaning D.meaning of which

  44.You can go out,_______you promise to be back before lunch.

  A. so as to B. so long as C. so that D. so far

  45._______clearly so that your teacher_________you correctly.

  A. writing; will understand BTo write; could understand

  C. Having written; can understand D.Write; can understand

  46.It was________he was ill that he was absent yesterday.

  A. now that B.since C.as D.because

  47.Japan has taken a more independent stand________.

  A. than it did before

  B. as it does before

  C. as it did before

  D.than it does a few years ago

  48.The climate of Asia can hardly be spoken of as a whole_______Asia is too large.

  A. because of B. as C. because D. since

  49._______what may happen, I won’t change my mind.

  A. Whatever B. No matter C. However D.Though

  50.I wonder if he_______us, and I think if he_______us we’ ll be able to complete the task ahead of time.

  A. will help; will help B. helps; will help

  C. will help; helps D.helps; helps

  51.I was about to leave my house________the phone rang.

  A.while B.when C.as D. after

  52._____,he has never spent a dollar on books.

  A.Rich as he is B.Rich as is he C.He is as rich D. As he is rich

  53.If you________this experiment you will understand the theory better.

  A.will be doing B.have done C.will have done D.would do

  54.It takes________time to go there buy plane than by ship.

  A.far fewer B.far less C.much fewer D.more less

  55.Not a single song________at yesterday’s party.

  A. she sang B. sing she C.did she sing D.she did sing

  56.Just after putting away the dishes,_________.

  A.the doorbell rang loud B.Nancy heaed the doorbell ring

  C.someone knocked at the door D.the doorbell was rung

  57.Among thre high-risk group of heart disesase_______people with a preference for fatrich foods.

  A.there are B. are C. they are D. who are

  58. -----_________seems to be something wrong with the machine.

  -----Yes,_______got a lot of noise.

  A.It ;it’s B. There; it ’s CIt ; there’s D.There; there’s

  59.-----The problem wasn’t difficult for him, was it?

  -----______.He should have been given a more differicult one.

  A. No, it was B.Yes, it was C. Yes, it wasn’t D.No, it wasn’t

  60._______entered the office he realized that he had forgotten his report.

  A.He hardly had B. Had he hardly C.Hardly had he D.Hardly he had

  61.Was it 8 o’clock_________you heard someone________at the door?

  A.When ;knocking B.when ;knock C.that ;knocking D.that ;knock

  62.----It was careless of you_______your clothes outside all night.

  ----My God!________.

  A.to leave ;So did I B.Leaving; So do I C.to have left;So I did Dhaving left; So do I

  63.Nowhere else________such perfect silence________in these mountains

  A. there is; like B. there is; as C.is there; as D. is there ;like

  64.So seriously ________in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once.

  A. he was wounded B. was he hurt C. he did injure D. did he hurt

  65._______to have a talk with those humorous persons.

  A.What a fun it is B.How funny C.It ’s such a fun D.What fun it is

  66.Do you expect________to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need?

  A. It B. there C. that D.one

  67.Is ______three hours______the boy_______family is poor to come to school on foot?

  A. it ;that ;whosem Bit; when ;that C.it for ;that it takes; whose Dit ;that it takes; whose

  68.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life_______so happy!

  A.did I felt B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I felt

  69.Not a single word________at the meeting.

  A. did he say B.has he said C. he said D. he has said

  70.Is that the letter you got yesterday_______makes you so sad?

  A. which B.what C. that D. when

  71.----Don’t you think Jack’s health has been ruined by over drinking?

  ----Yes, he told me______himself.

  A.the thing B.it C.so D.the fact

  72.----I wonder if I can get a raise in salary.

  ----You have been paid enough.______do you want?

  A.How much B.What more C.What else D.How much more

  73. _______the expense, I________to Italy.

  A. If it were not; go B.Were it not for ;would go

  C. Weren’t it for; willgo D. If it hadn’t been ;would have gone

  74.----I have great difficuly working out this problem.

  -----________to me., you_____less difficulty with such problems.

  A. If you had listened ; would have had B.If you listened; would have

  C. Had you listened; would have D. If you listen; will have

  75. -----Did you remember him of the meeting?

  -----No, if I_______at home, I would have.

  A. were B. had been C. was D. should be

  76._______it would stop snowing

  A. If only B. Only if C. Even if D. But for

  77. Neither is that________.

  A. your nor is that mine B.youres nor is that me

  C. yours nor that is mine D. yours nor is that mine

  78.In such a hurry________to the schoolyard that he was out of breath.

  A. ran he B. he ran C. did he run D. he was running

  79.______before, but I have been ill.

  AHad written B.Have written C.Would have written D.Did write

  80.His illness was too srerious ,othwerwise he________saved.

  A.could be B.couldn’t have been C.could have D.could have been

  81.How I wish it________! If it_______in a few days, the crops would be saved.

  A. will rain; raied B.would rain ; should rain C.should rain ;rains D. would rain; had rained

  82.Gone________when we were oppressed.

  A. are the days B. the days are C.there were days D. were there days

  83._______,I will not buy it.

  A. I like it much B. Like as I it much C. Much do I like it D. Much as I like it

  84.Rarely______ such a good thing.

  A.have I heard of B.I have heard of C.had I heard of D. have I been heard of

  85.__________ received law degree as today.

  A. Never so many women have B.Never have so many women

  C. The women aren’t ever D.Women who have ever

  86.Across the river_______.

  A.lies a new built bridge B.lies a newly built bridge

  C.a new built bridge lies D.a newly built bridge lies

  87.We were lucky, for no sooner________home ________it rained.

  A.we returned; and B.did we return; when C.after we returned; and D. had we returned; than

  88.Not a single mistake________in the exam yesterday

  A.is make by him B.did he make C. he made D.had been make by him

  89._______comfortable than at home.

  A. No where do we feel more B. No other places do we feel much

  C. No where we felt more D. No place do we feel more

  90.Up into the sky______.

  A. does the light blue smoke go B. the light blue smoke go

  C. go the light blue smoke D. went the light blue smoke

  91.We waited and waited, ______ we had been looking forward to.

  A.then the day came B. then did the day come C.then came the day D.the day then came

  92.-----you’ ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.


  A.Oh, I am afraid I didn’t cook very well. B.I am glad you enjoyed it

  C.Come again when you are free D. It’s not necessary for you to say so

  93.-----Shall I help you with that suitcase?


  A. It’s all right, thanks. B. Yes, go ahead please

  C. I don’t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don’t do it



  -----I can’t eat this. It’s too salty.

  A. Yes, sir? B. What ? C. All right? D.Pardon?

  95.-----Mum, I ‘ve cut my finger. It’s bleeding.


  A. Let me see B.Don’t worry C.Be careful D. Let me have a look

  96.----Can I get you a cup of tea?


  A.Oh,that’s very nice of you B.Congratulations C. It’s a pleasure D. Oh, I ’m glad to hear that

  97.It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle,______cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.

  A. of which the top B. the top is C. the top of which D. with its top

  98.Word came_______a terrible storm would take place in Hainan.

  A.which B.that C.what D. why

  99.----Do_______you think is right,_______others say.

  ----Yes, I_________.

  A.as, what, do B. as, whatever ,will

  C. what ,what., can D.what, whatever, will

  100.She wondered_______she could have the opportunity to spend_______here______she could learn more about the city.

  A. if; sometime; so that B. how; sometime;so that

  C. when; some times; that D.if;some time;such that


  1----5 ABCCC 6---10 DCBCD 11----15 CBBCC 16---20DBCBB

  21---25 ABDBD 26---30 AADBD 31---35 BCBBD 36---40ABCBA

  41----45 BDCB D 46---50DACBC 51-----55 BABBC 56-----60BBBDC

  61----65 ACCBD 66-----70BDDAC 71-----75 CDBCB 76----80ADCCD

  81----85 BADAB 86----90BDBAD 91----95 CBAAD 96---100ADBDA

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