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來源:湖北自考網(wǎng) 時間:2015-05-19



  1. The young boy tried_________to touch the apples on the tree, for he was too short.

  A.in surprise B. in vain C.in wonder D.in doubt

  2. I ’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was________for animals to live in.

  A. greedy B. suitable C. common D. particular

  3.It isn’t much of a car,but_________it was not expensive.

  A. at any rate B. at all costs C. somehow D.somewhat

  4.The energy Jenny Bowen has devoted in the past ten years________the orphans has been considered________ of great value.

  A. to help; being B. to helping; to be C.to help;to be D.helping ;being

  5_______everything in good order, so she decided to watch TV in the sofa.

  A. After she had put B. Having been put C. She had put D.Having put

  6.----I can’t find a my MP4 anywhere.

  ----_________it be in your handbag?

  A.May B.Must C.Can D.Should

  7.After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother’s voice________him.

  A. calling B. called C. being called D. to call

  8 In1901, H.G.Wells, an English writer, wrote a book________a trip to the moon.

  A. describe B. described C.describing D.to describe

  9.----Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

  ----Sorry. With so much work_______ my mind, I almost break down.

  A. filled B. filling C. fill D. being filled

  10.Don’t disturb your mother; she is_______ writing a report for her company.

  A. engaged with B. busy with C. absorbed to D.occupied in

  11.---The contest will take place next week.

  ----Can you be more_________?

  ----Yes, it will be on Saturday morning.

  A. appropriate B. specific C.particular D. proper

  12.----why is the girl crying so sadly?

  ----She is forbidden________in_______her sick mother.

  A. dropping ;on B.to drop; at C. dropping; at D.to drop; on

  13.______no need for us to discuss the problem again ______it has been settled.

  A. It has;once B.It is; because C. There had;for D. There is;since

  14.It was the frist time______with a top army officer,and he felt a bit nervous when the interview was first started.

  A.when he had a talk B.when he has a talk

  C.that he had had a talk D.that he has had a talk

  15.The time finally came______the father had to leave his beloved family and went to the front.

  A.that B.when C.which D.it

  16.Bob seems to have never been_______his wife’s parents, even herself, seriously.

  A. facing B.taking C. seeing D.telling

  17.He didn’t make _______clear when and where the meeting would be held.

  A.this B.that C. it D. these

  18._______Morgan appears extremely cheerful in public, he is in fact leading a very unhappy life.

  A. While B. When C.As D.Since

  19.-----I am going to the office.

  ----________you’re there, can you get me some stamps?

  A.As B.While C.Because D.If

  20.The special medcine for the disease was difficult to find though________everywhere.

  A. sought B.having sought C.being sought D.seeking

  21. Peter won’t drive us to the station. He has________to take us all.

  A. a very small car B. too small a car C. a too small car D. such a small car

  22.On_______the office. He got down to work.

  A.reaching for B. reaching to C. reaching D. reaching for

  23.The Internet is playing a more and more important part in my life. For example,I often______my friends by email.

  A.contacts with B. contact C. contact to D. contact for

  24.Although he tried his best to pass the driving test, _______he failed.

  A.but B.and C.even D.yet

  25.I suggest you read the book.. The book is_______worth reading.

  A.very B.much C.well D.quite

  26.The song My Heart Will Go On is popular_______the young people.

  A.by B.with C.to D.on

  27.Although this TV set will take up more space, ______I think I should get it.

  A.while B.but C.however D.yet

  28.China has _______population in the world.

  A.the most B.largest C.the largest D.most

  29.A_______number of people have read the book.

  A.most B.much C.large D.few

  30.How do the birds know exactly_______direction______?

  A.which;flying B. which;to fly to

  C.in which;to fly D. what;flying to

  31.At the age of seven, ______.

  A.his father died B.he lost his father

  C.his dog followed him D.his parents porced

  32._______is known to all________paper was first made in China.

  A. It; that B. It; / C. As; that D. As; /


  33.________is known to all,________ paper was first made in China.

  A. It; that B. It; / C. As; that D. As; /


  34.The old woman has three sons; two of________are soldiers.

  A. which B.them C.who D.whom

  35.The old woman has three sons, two of________are soldiers.

  A. which B.them C.who D.whom

  36.The old woman has three sons,and two of________are soldiers.

  A. which B.them C.who D.whom

  37.________any hands make light works a wellnown saying.

  A. / B. That C. What D. Which

  38. _______many hands make light work is a wellnown saying.

  A. / B. That C. What D. Which

  39. Madam Curie, for________ life had once been very hard, was successful later.

  A. whom B.which C.whose D. that

  40. Madam Curie, ________ life had once been very hard, was successful later.

  A. whom B.which C.whose D. that

  41.The scientists are making great efforts to________ a new way_________improving rice production.

  A. applying; to B.having applied; to C.apply ;to D.applied; for

  42.----Do you think he will succeed?

  ----Well,he’s helped by so many classmates,what’s more, he works extremely hard. So, he is________to succeed.

  A.probanbly B.likely C.possibly D. perhaps

  43.He didn’t make_________clear when and where the meeting would be held.

  A.this B. that C. it D. these

  44.Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s_______the best jobs are.

  A. where B.what C.when D.why

  45.---Andrew won’t like it, you know.

  ----________?I don’t care what Andrew thinks!

  A. So what B. So where C.So why D.So how

  46. His face_______an embarrassed smile when he heard the result of the competition.

  A.came on B. took up C. took on D.turned into

  47.No one had told Smith about_______a lecture the following day.

  A.there be B.there being C.there would be D.there was

  48.My father suggested_______to the Great Wall during the holiday.

  A.visiting B.to visit C.visit D. a visit

  49.The man lying on the ground was_______. He must have drunk too much.

  A. dead drunk B. dead drunken C. drunken D.drunk dead

  50.The twin brothers look________each other that I can hardly tell one from the other.

  A. very like B.the same as C.quite similar as D.so like

  51.What I was looking for is such a person with this________character in him.

  A.very B.such C.so D.quite

  52. _________I meet Mary in the street she will greet me with a smile.

  A. Before B. Surely C.Each time D.For

  53.Tom is on time for everything. How________it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

  A.should B. can C.may D.must

  54.The doctor _______the nurse to be careful.

  A.demanded B. required C. kept D. said

  55.An earthquake is a shaking of the ground that occurs when_______rock beneath the surface of the earth changes position.

  A.a great many B. a mass of C. a number of D. a plenty of

  56.Mary let out a cry of surprise________the dead snake.

  A. at the sight B. at the sight of C. looking D. caught sight of

  57.I only know the man by_______ but I have never spoken to him.

  A.chance B.heart C.sight D. experience

  58.The captain was always honest with us and never_________to disappointment, even when the ship sank.

  A. gave off B. gave away C. give way D.gave up

  59.Alarge sum of the money has been raised for the_______ poorly-educated children in the mountainous districts.

  A. favour B.profit C.benefit D.advantage

  60.During the summer vacation she swam and sunbathed, went_______and relaxed.

  A. skiing B.shaving C.sightseeing D.striking

  61.It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I had not fallen in love, at the age of seven, ________the library in my hometown.

  A.in B. with C.by D.for

  62.The taxi was out of control, and the driver________, according to some villagers, to have been killed.

  A.said B.was said C.was saying D.had been said

  63.Bob seems to have never been________his wife’s parents, even herself, seriously.

  A. facing B.taking C. seeing D.telling

  64.How______he looked and turned and looked,_______and even a little________,at the boy!

  A. surprised; surprisedly; angrily B. surprisedly; surprised; angry

  C. angrily; surprisedly; angry D. angry ;Surprised; angrily

  65.The old woman had a letter from the son in the army_______to her.

  A. read B.write C. written D.received

  66.It was this girl that the shopkeeper caught_______the sugar in the shop.

  A. steal B.stealing C.to steal D. stole

  67.It is very kind of you. I’ ll never forget the________you have done me.

  A.favors B.honors C.benefit D.kindness

  68.----I wonder why he has been acting so strange these days.

  ----Recent pressure at work may________his behaviour.

  A.account for B. make for C. change for D.stand for

  69. He insisted what he did________right and the man who had spoken ill of him________.

  A. was; be punished B. be; was punished

  C. was ;was punished D.be; be punished

  70.----who do you think Jane_________?

  ----Her mother They are alike both in appearance and behavior, even in taste.

  A. looks over B.takes over C. looks after D.takes after

  71 ________of danger in the street at night ,she had to go home, with a friend________her.

  A. Warned ;followed B. Warning; following

  C.Having warned ;following D.Having been warned ; following

  72.Liu xiang’s breaking the world record was an exciting moment,________all of us will never forget.

  A. that B. one C. it D. what

  73.________ left before the deadline, it doesn’t seem likely that John will finish the job.

  A.Though such a short time B.Because such a short time

  C.With such a short time D. As such a short time

  74.----Don’t you feel surprised to see Bruce at the meeting?

  ----Yes, I really didn’t think_________ here.

  A. he has been B. he had been C. he would be D. he would have

  75.China became the 143 rd member of the WTO on Decemeber 11, 2001, thus_________its 15-year wish to join the global trade body.

  A. realised B.to realise C. having realised D.realising

  76.He had little idea of what was going on outside after 20 years in prison,________?

  A. didn’t he B.wasn’t it C. was it D.did he

  77.When I got home, I found the door open. A terrible thought suddenly_______me梙ad anyone broken into the house?

  A. beat B. knocked C. attacked D. struck

  78.rIf only my grandpa_______this together with us now!

  A. had seen B. could see C. must see D. should see

  79.Later they discovered,_______was news to him,that Pamela was the headmaster’s daughter.

  A. that B. which C.what (the thing that) D. who


  ----Well, he is tall. He dresses very nicely.

  A. What does your friend look like B.Is your friend tall

  C. How is your friend D. Could you meet him

  81.It was funny that when________ Mary began to weep sadly.

  A. praising B. praised C. being praised D.having praised

  82.The tomato juice left brown________ on the front of my jacket.

  A. spot B.point C.track D.trace

  83.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_________whether they will enjoy it.

  A.to see B. to be seen C.seeing D. seen

  84.He has________for language ,while his sister is a pianist.

  A.gift ;gifted B. a gift; gifted C. a present; present D. present; presented

  85. ________this_______ that, and you will see which is better.

  A.Copmpare; to B. Copmpared; with C. Copmpared ;to D.Copmpare ;with

  86. ______this______that, you will see which is better.

  A.Copmpare; to B. Copmparing; with C. Copmpared ;to D.Copmpare ;with

  87.---Now that you like the car so much, why not drive it back?

  ----Well, I can’t afford_______car

  A.that big a B. that a big C.a big that D.a that big

  88.How I Wish every family______a large house with a beautiful garden.

  A. has B.had C. will have D. had had

  89.I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway everyday,_______do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.

  A. as B. which C. when D. though

  90.Life is like a long race________we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.

  A. why B. what C. that D. where

  91.The reason_________we were late for the meeting is________we missed the train

  A.why; because B. why;that C.why; why D.that;that

  92.Gun control is a subject_______Americans have argued for a long time.

  A. of which B.with which C.about which D. into which

  93.What surprised me was not what he said but________ he said it.

  A. the way B. in the way that C.in the way D. the way which

  94.This is the reason_______ he gave us for the delay of this project?

  A. because B. why C. how D. that

  95.Obama,_________life was once hard when he was young, was elected President of American.

  A.for whom B. to whom C.who D. whose

  96.The supermarket provides_______cheap food________ all its customers can afford.

  A. such; that B.such so C. so; that D. such; as

  97.----Where did you get to know her?

  ---- It was on the farm___________we worked.

  that B.there C. which D.where

  98.Anyway, that evening,_________I will tell you about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place.

  A. when B.where C.what D.which

  99.Is this the reason________for his absence from the meeting?

  A.he explained B. what he explained

  C. how he explained D. why he explained

  100.The thought of going back home was________kept him happy while he was working abroad.

  A.that B. all what C. all that D.which


  1---5 BBABC 6---10 CACBD 11---15 BDDCB 16---20 BCABA

  21---25 BCBDC 26—30 BDCCC 31—35 BADBD 36---40 BABAC

  41---45 CBCAA 46---50 CBDAD 51---55 ACBBB 56---60 BCCCC

  61---65 BBBAA 66---70 BAAAD 71---75 DBCCD 76---80 DDBCA

  81---85 BABBD 86---90 BABAD 91---95 BCADA 96----100 DDDAC

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