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串講自考英語閱讀(二)詞匯UNIT24-28 -自考串講筆記

湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時(shí)間:2008-11-08 16:06:59



  accident-prone  a.  likely to have accidents 特別易出事故的

  build-up  n.  increase or development; forming steadily  增大;逐步建立

  considerable  a.  fairly large or great in amount, size or degree  很大的,可觀的

  controversial  a.  likely to cause or causing much argument or disagreement引起爭(zhēng)論的

  crack down    take disciplinary action against  對(duì)……采取嚴(yán)厲措施,對(duì)……進(jìn)行制裁

  defective  n.  a.  faulty; imperfect 有缺陷的

  deficiency  n.  state of having none or not enough缺乏,不足

  deteriorate  v.  become worse in quality  變質(zhì),惡化

  discharge  v.  send, pour or let out (gas, liquid, etc.)  排出;n.  the action of discharging; sth. discharged  排出;排出物

  disturbing  n.  causing anxiety  擾亂,打擾

  disused  a.  no longer used  不用的,廢棄的

  exclusive  a.  published by only one newspaper at first; not shared with others  獨(dú)家報(bào)到的;獨(dú)占的,專有的

  inadequate  a.  not good enough in quality, ability, size, etc.  不適當(dāng)?shù)?,不充足?/p>

  initiative  n.  the first movement or act which starts sth. happening  首創(chuàng),發(fā)端

  inspectorate  n.  a group of inspectors  視察團(tuán)

  inspection  n.  official visit to judge the quality of sth. or to see that rules are obeyed  視察

  maintenance  n.  keeping sth. in good condition, by making repairs to it and taking care of it  保養(yǎng),維修

  mitigate  v.  make less severe  使緩和

  munitions  n.  large arms for war, such as bombs, guns, etc.  軍火

  obsolete  a.  no longer used; out of date  已廢棄的;過時(shí)的

  probe  n.  careful and thorough inquiry or examination  探究radiation  n.  sending out light, heat, etc.  放射,輻射

  renew  v.  give new life and freshness to; repeat  使更新;重復(fù)

  restore  v.  give back or bring back; make well or  normal again 使恢復(fù),使回復(fù)

  robust  a.  vigorous  強(qiáng)健的

  scrutiny  n.  careful and thorough examination; close study or look.  仔細(xì)檢查,詳盡研究

  Silo  n.  a tall cylindric tower or pit  筒倉(cāng)

  sprawl  v.  spread; stretch out  伸展開;蔓延

  urgent  a.  very important, esp. which must be done or dealt with quickly or first  緊要的

  ventilation  n.  the passing into and around a room, building, etc. of fresh air  (空氣等的)流通

  caesium  n.  銫

  complex  n.  綜合企業(yè)

  oxy-acetylene  氧乙炔的

  radioactive  a.  放射性的

  strontium  n.  鍶

  UNIT 25


  absurd  a. against reason or common sense, clearly false or foolish 不合理,荒謬的,可笑的,愚蠢的

  abundant  a. more than enough  豐富的,充裕的

  ban  v. forbid esp. by law 禁止

  breeding  n. the producing of young by animals, birds, etc. 生育,繁殖

  disregard  v. pay no attention to, ignore 不理,不顧,漠視,無視

  diverse  a. different, various 不一樣的,多種多樣的

  drastic  a. strong, sudden, and often violent or severe 激烈的,猛烈的

  durable  a. long-lasting  耐用的,持久的

  encroach  v. take more than what is right, usual or natural; invade 侵犯,侵占,吞食

  enforce  v. cause rules or laws to be carried out effectively; make (sth.) happen by force  實(shí)施,執(zhí)行,強(qiáng)制,強(qiáng)迫

  eradicate  v. destroy complete 根除,消滅,殲滅

  eradication  n. extinction, putting an end to (a species) 滅絕,消滅

  exploitation  n. the act of using fully so as to get profit 開發(fā)利用

  floe  n. large mass of ice floating on the surface of the sea 大塊浮冰

  gigantic  a. usually large in amount or size 巨大的,龐大的

  impose  v. establish officially 正式確立

  indiscriminately  ad. unselectively; randomly; not chosen carefully 無選擇地,不加選擇地,不分青紅皂白的

  invade  v. enter into and spoil; attack and spread into so as to take control of (a country, city, etc.) 侵入,侵略

  lull  n. pause; a period in which activity is less 暫停,間歇,停滯期

  migrate  v. travel regularly from one part to another according to the season; change one‘s place of living, esp. for a limited period 定期移棲,遷移

  proceed  v. continue 繼續(xù)

  profitable  a. resulting in money gain; money making 有益的,有利可圖的,有錢賺的

  protest  n. (statement of) disapproval or objection 抗議,反對(duì)

  quota  n. a limit on numbers 定額,限額

  recommend  v. prescribe; speak in favor of  建議,推薦

  revival  n. rebirth or renewal 再生,新生,恢復(fù)

  revive  v. come back into use or existence 兩次利用,再生

  roam  v. walk or travel without any definite aim or destination over or through (a country )  漫步,漫游

  sanctuary  n.( a place of) protection or safety from harm 避難所,庇護(hù)所

  shift  v. move from one place to another; change in position or direction 轉(zhuǎn)移,移動(dòng),轉(zhuǎn)變,轉(zhuǎn)向

  slaughter  n. killing of animals 屠宰

  sleek  a. ( of hair or fur) smooth and shining (毛發(fā)等)油光發(fā)亮的

  suntan  n. browning of the skin from exposure to sunlight 曬黑

  temporary  a. lasting only for a limited time 暫時(shí)的,臨時(shí)的

  transform  v. change completely in form, appearance or nature 徹底改變,改造,改革

  crayon  n.彩色蠟筆

  lotion  n. 護(hù)膚液



  adolescence  n.  young teenager of about 13~16歲青春期;青春(通常指13~16歲少年)

  ailment  n.  illness  ?。痪癫话?/p>

  apparently  ad.  clearly, obviously  明顯地

  blissful  a.  extremely happy   非常幸福;極樂的

  bonus  n.  anything pleasant in addition to what is expected  意想不到的收獲

  cope  v.  handle; deal successfully with sth.  處理

  decline  v.  decrease; move from a better to worse position   減少;下降

  deny  v.  refuse to accept as true  否定;不接受

  divorce  v.  end a marriage between husband and wife  離婚

  efficient  a.  working well and without waste  效率高的

  expectancy  n.  the state of expecting  期待,期望

  foster  v.  help to grow and develop  培養(yǎng);促進(jìn)

  guarantee  v.  give a promise of quality, payment or fulfilment  保證;擔(dān)保

  incidence  n.  the rate of happening  發(fā)生率

  infection  n.  the state or result of disease being put into body  傳染;感染

  ingenuity  n.  skill and cleverness in making and arranging things  機(jī)靈;獨(dú)創(chuàng)性

  intact  a.  whole, uni



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