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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2009-09-01 00:00:00


I. Supply the missing paragraph (20 points)
The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the following passage carefully and write a body paragraph of about 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.
With the rapid development of the modern society, education is becoming more and more crucial to both individuals and the society. The issue over what education should consist of has considerably aroused people’s wide concern.  In this essay, I will seek to explore this complicated topic from diverse perspectives and what influence could be brought.
Among the most important aspects education should consist of, one that should be stressed is professional knowledge education. On the one hand, under the fiercely competitive circumstance, people who have professional skills and experience attract many big companies. Therefore, professional knowledge gives people more opportunities to hunt an ideal job. On the other hand, this aspect of education is also significant to develop the society in the long run.
In the second place, what is also worth noticing is that physical education is necessary for students, especially for teenagers. If you want to achieve success in the modern society, a strong body is the first premise, which always keeps you in shape. So education should push people to take care of themselves and this could bring great benefits to the healthy society.
Judging from what I have discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that the three aspects cannot be separated in education. They play vital and important roles in the growth of individuals and the society. The fulfillment of both individuals and the society can be made as long as we lay emphasis on the three aspects mentioned above.
II. Write an outline (20 points)
Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” for it.
Nowadays, giant jumble jets carry millions of people each day to and from almost all corners of the globe, giving most people the chance of visiting distant countries. However, many of us are sometimes, troubled by unfamiliar customs and traditions and are puzzled by the way foreigners behave. In my essay, both sides of the argument would be presented and analyzed as to whether we should follow the customs of the visited country, or all nations should be more willing to embrace exotic culture.
Some people maintain that it is better for one to adopt host countries’ culture for the following reasons. First of all, as the old saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” by observing and following their particular way of doing things, travelers can greatly reduce the chances of misunderstanding and embarrassment. For instance, it is advisable not to ask a western lady personal questions such as her age or her marital status on the first meeting, which is common practice in China. Secondly, a nation’s customs and traditions are often fascinating and offer a unique insight into that very country. Obviously, people travel in order to broaden their horizon or merely to relax and enjoy themselves. But these aims could not be satisfactorily fulfilled if they have no idea about a country’s culture. Moreover, your interest in and understanding of their ways of life could help to establish a rapport with the local people, because people feel respected when their customs and behaviors are understood and imitated, and by doing things in their way, you become unconsciously a member of them and thus will no longer experience culture shocks.
However, others also have strong reasons to believe that a country should tolerate and embrace foreign culture. In the first place, no country should cling to its old customs and traditions at all cost and expect others to follow suit. Culture should also be subject to changes brought about by advances in science and technology and the process of globalization. Like everything else, numerous traditional practices have been abandoned and people are forming new customs all the time. Besides, instead of challenging and damaging the local traditions, the customs brought by international visitors actually help to enhance our awareness of our own culture, by pointing out that what we take for granted is really not universally praised but rather unique characteristics of our own. In China, for instance, the Spring Festival is being celebrated with ever more enthusiasm despite the popularity of Christmas.  Moreover, it is unjustifiable and unrealistic to expect visitors to alter their ways of doing things, and pick up some new behaviors and customs at short notice. Many Chinese Americans, for example, still live exclusively in Chinatowns and celebrate all the traditional Chinese holidays. Like a religious belief, one should be allowed to follow their own customs whenever and wherever they like.
As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter view that people can keep their own customs and nations should welcome cultural differences and integrate the positive aspects from other cultures to update their own. Apparently, if all are open-minded about different traditions and behaviors, the idea of a global village could come true in every corner of the earth, with people living in harmony and each enjoying his own cultural heritage.
III. Compose an essay (60 points)
Many people think that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while others argue that the aid money is misspent by the governments that receive it, so international aid should not be given to the poor countries in the world. Write a short argumentative essay about 300 words discussing the two views of international aid.



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