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湖北自考網(wǎng) 來源: 時間:2012-03-03 10:59:28


1. How many ______ are there in your neighborhood?
A. Jones'                      B. Joneses
C. Jone's                      D. Jonese
2. Where are my glasses? ______ on the desk over there.
A. They are                   B. It is
C. There are                   D. There is
3. He is the ______ when he is reading a novel alone at home.
A. happy                     B. more happy
C. happiest                   D. most happy
4. The teacher told the student to ______ his pronunciation.
A. take care of      B. pay attention to
C. look after                  D. pay duty to
5. In spite of what we said, he refused to ______ to the police station.
A. give away                   B. give off
C. give himself      D. give himself up
6. ______ you ______ War and Peace before?
A. Had, read       B. Have, read
C. Are, reading                 D. Have, been reading
7. My mother wanted to know if I would mind ______ to look after myself.
A. leaving                     B. to be left
C. to leave                     D. being left
8. Since this is the first time she has made such a mistake,, you ______ forgive her.
A. could as well      B. can as well
C. should as well               D. might as well
9. Sunday is a holiday ______ most people do not go to work.
A. when                       B. that
C. what          D. which
10. It is unlikely ______ he will become a manager in two years.
A. when                       B. which
C. that           D. what
11. It ______ be a good film but it turned out to be a disaster.
A. is suppose to                B. is supposed to
C. was suppose to               D. was supposed to
12. The American Civil War ______ in 1861.
A. broke out        B. broke down
C. broke away                  D. broke into
13. His eyesight is poor; he ______ wear glasses at least in class.
A. can                        B. must
C. may                       D. could
14. The doctor said that the patient had ______ at once.
A. to operate                   B. to be operated
C. to operate on                D. to be operated on
15. The pop star has not    yet and I doubt if she will appear.
A. turned on                   B. turned off
C. turned up                   D. turned out
16. It was dark and late. I was only half way there. It was ______ to get there on time.
A. out of question               B. possible
C. out of the question            D. important
17. He had nothing ______ an apple for lunch in order to lose weight.
A. for        B. with
C. but             D. besides
18. ______ we've done what you want, there is no reason for you to complain any more.
A. Now that        B. Because
C. In case                     D. For fear that
19. He was deprived ______ the right to take care of his child.
A. from                       B. of
C. away                      D. off
20. ______, the president went from one country to another.
A. Traveling by plane             B. To travel by plane
C. Having traveled by plane       D. To have traveled by plane

II.閱讀理解。認真閱讀下面兩篇短文,每篇短文后有五個問題,根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容從A、B、C、D四個選項中選擇一個最佳答案,并將所選答案的字母寫在答題紙相應的位置上。(本大題共1 0小題,每小題2分,共20分)
Passage One
     Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our lecture hall but in the Yale
University Art Gallery.
     We spend our one-hour class discussing two or three of the paintings, many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class. The professor begins by selecting one work of art. After giving us a quick background on the artist, he'll open up for class discussion. Everyone is strongly encouraged to give opinions to the work. Not every piece we study is necessarily famous or striking in appearance and subject matter, yet we always manage to make some interesting observations.
     In America, professors always take every opportunity to push textbooks aside and expose students to real world experiences. With some creativity, almost any can be applied to such beyond the classroom learning. My art history class trips to the gallery are but one example. Many other disciplines also offer opportunities to learn outside the classroom, for instance, business, psychology, art, journalis



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